3,044 students from the high school class of 2021 didn’t graduate because they were killed by a gun.
We held a graduation ceremony for this Lost Class and invited David Keene, former NRA President, and John Lott, author of More Guns, Less Crime, to deliver the commencement speech.
They thought they were speaking at a dress rehearsal, but in reality, they were addressing the seats made empty by the guns they fight for.
Cannes Lions--Titanium Lion
2 x D&AD Black Pencil Winner
EMMY Nomination
Idea of the Year - OneShow, ACD, Clios, WARC, The Drum
CWs: Kelley Barrett, MacKenzie Hart
ADs: Katie DiNardo, Sofia Gahn
ACDs: Matt Turnier, Jason LaFlore
Designer: Kyle Poff
ECD: Sam Shepherd
Producer: Ashley Geisheker & Kaitlin Bucaro